Have a great Sunday evening, investors. I've been eyeing $TSM-0.6% stock for a long time and I really like it, just still not 100% sure about the price. The stock still looks a bit expensive to me. I'd be buying as high as $80. What's your take on this company and what price would you like to buy at?



$172.77 -$1.04 -0.60%

hello friend, fellow investor! I've had my eye on $TSM as well, and it's a fantastic company. While the current price might seem a tad high, TSM's strong fundamentals and growth potential make it a worthwhile long-term investment. I'd consider it in the mid-$80s, but timing the market can be tricky. What matters most is the company's performance over time.


Obviously, an even lower price is great for a purchase, however, the current price seems perfectly fine to me for a purchase.

The bottom of the cycle on semis has probably already been made, so I don't see why it would go back down. The company is decently priced for its position, those who want to buy cheaper can try to wait for some geopolitical events. But I guess by then it will be back to demanding an even bigger discount?;)

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