3 airlines affected by Boeing problems

Boeing, one of the largest commercial aircraft manufacturers in the world, is facing a series of shocks that are leaving their shadow on other players in the aerospace industry. Three major companies are struggling with the effects of the turbulence caused by Boeing's problems.

Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun recently announced his departure, sparking another wave of uncertainty about the future of the aerospace giant. Actions by the FAA, Congress and stringent inspections have exposed serious flaws in Boeing's safety protocols, dramatically affecting investor confidence and, of course, the company's stock.

United Airlines $UAL+0.6%

United Airlines found itself in an awkward situation after the FAA increased oversight of the airline due to safety issues. The company's stock recently suffered a drop of 5 %. The reason for this is the temporary grounding of the Boeing 737 MAX 9 aircraft the carrier was using. The airline estimates that it will suffer a loss of 35 to 85 cents per share, a significant loss from previous periods. The serious safety problems that have affected the company have forced it to cancel 11% of its scheduled flights, with serious economic consequences.

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This year, the company expects this situation to cause a loss of $2 billion to $4 billion, a significant change as the company was previously profitable. These economic damages are a direct result of theFAA's decision and are now a major issue facing United Airlines must deal with. The company's operational performance is now seriously threatened and management must try to find a strategy to overcome this crisis and restore investor confidence.

$48.51 $0.31 +0.64%

In addition, United Airlines is faced with enormous pressure from a public concerned about the lack of air safety. FBI is now investigating the door latch incident as a possible crime, adding to the pressure on the company. This uncertainty is having a negative impact on the reputation of United Airlines and could affect its long-term business performance.

Alaska Air Group $ALK+0.6%

Alaska Air Group faced a dramatic drop in its stock last year, which fell as much as 44%in one period . This decline represented a loss of over $10 billionin the company's market capitalization. Shares of $ALK+0.6% have also plunged several % this year due to the door plug incident. The airline is now trying to manage this crisis and restore investor confidence.

While Alaska Air Group is facing economic difficulties, it still faces technical problems. The company's entire fleet is made up of Boeing 737 series aircraft , which are now under strict scrutiny for safety issues. This situation is very problematic for the company, as delays in operations and lack of availability of aircraft can cause further economic losses.

$39.98 $0.25 +0.63%

As a result of this crisis ,$ALK'+0.6%s stock is at alow level, a significant decline compared to previous periods of stability and growth. The company must now work hard to address these issues and find strategies to get out of this difficult situation and restore confidence among both investors and passengers.

American Airlines $AAL+0.6%

American Airlines, although one of the largest air carriers in the world, is facing the challenges of this turbulent year. The company recently announced its largest order aircraft since 2011, investing 175 billion in 175 new aircraft from Airbus, Boeing and Brazilian manufacturer Embraer. The investment is intended to help modernize the company's fleet and improve competitiveness.

$11.12 $0.07 +0.63%
Fair Price: $62.35
Zafwpz: 12.37%
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However, although the American Airlines is looking to invest in the future, it must also deal with the consequences of the current problems that have hit the airline industry. The loss of confidence in the Boeing brand and the uncertainty about aircraft safety is having a serious impact on thecompany's operations . Shares of $AAL+0.6% are up only 5% over the past year, a below-average performance, and down 58% over the past five years . This stagnation and decline in share value reflects investor uncertainty about the company's future.

$11.12 $0.07 +0.63%

For American Airlines, the key now is to find balance between investing in the future and addressing the current challenges that are affecting its operations and credibility. The company must adapt quickly to change and seek innovative strategies.

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