3 dividend stocks that can currently be bought for under $100

As financial markets continue to evolve and adapt to global economic challenges, some businesses are standing firm with their innovative strategies, strong financial backgrounds and commitment to sustainability. Tens of billions of dollars in revenue, record profits and plans for massive expansion reveal how these three companies are not only thriving, but also defining the direction their industry will take in the years ahead.

They are making significant contributions to economic growth while also taking responsibility for their impact on the planet, with an ongoing focus on innovation and product development. With attractive dividend yields and a commitment to sustainability, these three companies are key players that are attracting investors with their vision of long-term growth and financial stability.

Coca-Cola $KO-0.5%

Coca-Cola, an iconic brand with more than a century of history, maintains its position at the top of the global beverage industry with revenues reaching 45.8 billion Its business model, based on diversification and innovation, allows it to expand into new markets and introduce new products that appeal to changing consumer tastes. Coca-Cola, which boasts a portfolio of more than 500 brands and 3,900 beverage options, from classic cola to soft drinks, energy drinks and waters, is demonstrating its ability to adapt to global consumption trends.

$63.35 -$0.30 -0.47%
Fair Price: $95.79
Mjbblyeh: 59.51%
Dostupné pouze členům Bulios Black

Coca-Cola's dividend policy reveals its strong financial discipline and commitment to shareholders. With steady dividend increases for more than 60 years, the Coca-Cola is considered a dividend aristocrat, a significant accolade for a stock that consistently raises dividends. In 2023, the company reported a dividend yield of3.23% with a quarterly dividend of $0.44 per share, reflecting its stable cash flow and ability to generate earnings even in challenging economic conditions.

$63.35 -$0.30 -0.47%
Target Price
72.57 (+14.55% Upside)

In terms of market value, Coca-Cola's 2023 $52 to $64 per share, indicating relative stability and offering investors an opportunity to purchase shares of this proven company at a reasonable price. Although the stock market can behave unpredictably during various economic cycles, Coca-Cola's solid fundamentals and proven ability to navigate through decades through various challenges, it remains an attractive choice for investors seeking long-term growth and stable dividend income.

Morgan Stanley $MS+1.7%

Morgan Stanley, a leading provider of global financial services leader, boasts an extensive portfolio that includes investment banking, wealth management, and brokerage services. In 2023, the company achieved total revenue of 96.6 billion which is a testament to its ability to effectively manage capital and leverage market opportunities to its advantage. With assets under management exceeding $1.5 trillion, Morgan Stanley demonstrates its dominance and the trust placed in it by individual and institutional clients around the world.

$98.80 $1.61 +1.66%
Fair Price: $874.56
Cpzrvi: 57.59%
Dostupné pouze členům Bulios Black

Given its robust performance record and strategic investments, the Morgan Stanley has become one of the most attractive stocks for investors seeking stable dividend yields. The company has been paying dividends for more than a decade, affirming its commitment to returning value to shareholders. The 2023 quarterly dividend has been set at $0.77 per share, which at the current share price of around $92 reflects a dividend yield of approximately 3.67%. This combination of growth potential and dividend income may make Morgan Stanley an attractive choice for diversified portfolios.

$98.80 $1.61 +1.66%
Target Price
100.9 (+2.13% Upside)

The company's strategic approach to innovation is another key factor in its long-term success. V recent years, Morgan Stanley has focused on expanding its digital footprint and strengthening its position in wealth management, as seen in the acquisition of E*TRADE in 2020 and Eaton Vance in 2021. These strategic moves have not only strengthened its competitive position, but also expanded its service offerings and customer base. These expansions signal the direction Morgan Stanley is taking and promise further growth and innovation in the financial sector.

Starbucks $SBUX-1.1%

Starbucks, a globally recognized coffeehouse chainover the past few decades, has built not only an extensive network of locations, but also a strong brand associated with quality coffee and experience. The end of fiscal year 2023 marked record revenue for the company of approximately 35.9 billion ...a significant year-over-year increase. This financial success reflects not only the continued popularity of its products, but also its effective adaptation to changing market conditions, such as the expansion of its drive-thru and delivery services in response to the pandemic COVID-19.



$76.96 -$0.89 -1.14%
Fair Price: $54.92
Acgfbl: 60.89%
Dostupné pouze členům Bulios Black

Starbucks has continually demonstrated its commitment to innovation and sustainability, key factors that contribute to its long-term growth and success. As part of its sustainability strategy, the company has committed to reducing itscarbon footprint, water consumption and waste by 50%by 2030 . In addition, Starbucks has expanded its menu to include a variety of plant-based products, responding to the growing demand for healthier and more sustainable choices. These initiatives not only improve the company's corporate image, but also appeal to a wider range of customers.



$76.96 -$0.89 -1.14%
Target Price
109.54 (+42.33% Upside)

The investment opportunity presented by Starbucks is supported by its strong financial performance and growth strategy. With a dividend yield of around 2,5 % and a quarterly dividend of $0.53 per share in 2023, Starbucks maintains attractive position for investors seeking a stable dividend yield. In addition, with plans to open a total of 55,000 locations worldwide by 2030, Starbucks signals its intention to continue to expand and increase its global presence.

Disclaimer: There is plenty of inspiration to be found on Bulios, but stock selection and portfolio construction is up to you, so always conduct thorough self-analysis.


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