🌟 Michael Burry, the well-known investor who predicted the 2008 financial crisis, is once again changing the direction of his investment strategy.

Let's take a look at the interesting moves this famous investor has made:

📈 Gold - In the first quarter of 2024, Burry focused heavily on commodities. He increased his largest position in theSprott Physical Gold Trust $PHYS by $7.62 million, showing his confidence in gold as a hedge against economic uncertainty.

🌱 Energy sector -Burry also increased his stake in BP Plc $BP by $6.59 million, reflecting his confidence in BP's transition to cleaner energy.

🏥 Healthcare - The investment inCigna Holding $CI was raised by$7.26 million, indicating his belief in the growth potential of the healthcare sector.

🔋 Renewable Energy -First Solar Inc $FSLR increased its investment by$5.06 million showing its focus on sustainable energy solutions.

🌐 Technology stocks -Burry believes in the long-term potential of Chinese tech companies, as evidenced by his investment in Baidu Inc $BIDU, and has completely divested from US giants like Amazon $AMZN-2.3% and Alphabet $GOOGL.

Burry's recent moves are interesting and show us that diversification and focusing on long-term trends can be the key to success.

What do you think of Burry's strategy? Do you follow any well-known investors and their moves? 📊💡

He's an interesting guy and his trades and moves surprise me at times, but I hardly follow him at all and don't want to😁

I don't follow Burry much, but I'm sure he's a great investor. In the energy sector, specifically besides $FSLR-9.8% so what else $ENPH-5.2%...what's your opinion on this company?

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