ČEZ proposes dividend: 52 CZK per share

- The management of the CEZ energy group $CEZ.PR-1.5% presented a proposal to pay a dividend of 80% of last year's adjusted profit.

- The proposed dividend amount is CZK 52 per share, which would represent a total payout of CZK 28 billion.

- The final dividend amount will be decided by the company's general meeting in June.

- If the proposal is approved, it will be the third highest dividend payout in $CEZ.PR-1.5%'s history , comparable to the amount paid in 2021.

- Last year, $CEZ.PR paid a-1.5%record dividend of 145 kronor per share, bringing its total dividend to 78 billion kronor.

Do you own shares of CEZ and what do you think of the proposed dividend?



877 Kč -13.5 Kč -1.52%
Fair Price: 2,598.84 Fg
Wiwtwk: 27.03%
Dostupné pouze členům Bulios Black

I have the shares and the dividend is still very decent.

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