Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing: a key chip manufacturer

Basic Information:

- Company:Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing $TSM+1.0%

- Market capitalization: $795 billion

- Major Customers: Nvidia and other leading chip companies


- Net profit for the past year: $27 billion

- Sales for the past year: $71 billion

- High margins: Enable expansion of manufacturing activities

Investment and competitive advantages:

- Technological superiority: Enables us to meet growing demand for high-end chips

- Production expansion: Global production capacity supports demand

Demand and growth:

- Artificial Intelligence: Increased need for computing power for AI applications

- Revenue recovery: After a decline in 2023, sales are accelerating again

- Semiconductor Industry Trends: Revenues grow from $300 billion in 2012 to an expected $631 billion in 2023

Investment Opportunity:

- Current Situation: $TSM+1.0% is just emerging from a revenue downturn

- Projected growth: Further demand for artificial intelligence and a resurgence in smartphone chips

- Long-Term Outlook: Strong position to capitalize on growth opportunities due to technological superiority and extensive manufacturing capabilities.

What do you investors think of this company?



$161.94 $1.66 +1.04%

Personally I see good future for $TSM+1.0% . It's a great company, already got about 50% profit on the shares I own. I am however a little worried about the situation with China invading Taiwan as they declared doing so before 2030. This could have a big negatice impact on the company. Taking this into consideration I am still holding some shares and if we have a little ''sale'' on shares, I will consider buying more!

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