AI assistant and millions of reviews: is it enough to continue growing?

The pioneering online platform that allows users to share their experiences with local businesses is once again experiencing growth with new features. The significant expansion of services and reviews, and the introduction of an intelligent assistant that makes it easier to find experts, are testament to the constant innovation and adaptation to the current needs of consumers.

Constant innovation and feedback from millions of users is changing the game for local businesses. New features such as Smart Assistant and a focus on home services are bringing a better and easier way for users around the world to find the best service providers in their area.

Introducing the company

Yelp$YELP is an American company founded in 2004 that specializes in online reviews and recommendations of local businesses. Yelp's main goal is to provide a platform where users can share their experiences with different services and products, helping other users find the best businesses in their area. Yelp covers a…

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