Traditional energy with a modern approach and a fat dividend

Today, we look at an energy company known for its long history and modern approach that goes beyond traditional energy. It not only offers stable dividends, but also invests in the future through renewables and technological innovation. Wondering what makes this company so unique? Let's take a look at a few key highlights that are sure to interest you.

Highlights that will interest you

  • Dividend King: The company analyzed today has been raising dividends continuously for 68 years, making it one of the absolute top dividend yielders.
  • Record Delivery: In January 2024, it achieved a record daily delivery of 9.0 million therms during a winter storm, a testament to the reliability and efficiency of its infrastructure.
  • Customer support: Over the past 20 years, it has credited its customers with savings in excess of $250 million through efficient inventory and capacity management.
  • Growth and Expansion: With the addition of nearly 15,000 new connections in the past 12 months and strategic expansion…

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