First Solar: Investment perspective and photovoltaics

First Solar $FSLR-0.6% is a leader in solar panel manufacturing and providing complete solutions for photovoltaic power plants. What sets it apart from the competition is its innovative cadmium telluride (CdTe) thin-film technology, which offers higher energy efficiency and lower manufacturing costs compared to traditional silicon panels.

- Thin Film CdTe Technology:

- Energy Efficiency: CdTe technology enables higher energy efficiency, especially in high temperature and low light conditions.

- Low Cost: Manufacturing processes for CdTe panels are less expensive than for traditional silicon panels, allowing First Solar to compete cost-effectively in the marketplace.

- Performance in Challenging Conditions:

- Panels from $FSLR-0.6% are exceptionally efficient in high temperatures and low light conditions, making them ideal for a variety of climates and geographic regions.

- Sales and Margins:

- In the first quarter of 2024, the company's revenue grew 45% year-over-year.

- Net margins grew over 28%, up 8% from the previous quarter.

- The strong financial results are indicative of efficient cost management and strong demand for$FSLR-0.6% solar panels.

- Clean Energy Demand:

- Growing demand for electricity from data centers, especially those that support artificial intelligence, provides $FSLR-0.6% with tremendous growth potential.

- Large technology companies are increasingly turning to clean energy sources, which is increasing the demand for $FSLR-0.6% solar panels

- Long-term Outlook:

- The company has a promising outlook through 2024, expecting continued revenue and earnings growth due to strong demand for solar energy.

- Investments in new manufacturing capacity and development of new technologies ensure long-term growth potential.

First Solar appears to be an attractive investment due to its technological edge, strong financial performance and growing demand for solar energy. Innovative CdTe technology, the ability to succeed in challenging environments and strong financial performance make First Solar a leader in the solar energy market.

I take this company as a pretty good competitor for the $ENPH-2.0% company I have in my portfolio. That's why I don't want to put another similar company in my portfolio. However, if I were to go back to my first purchase of $ENPH-2.0% I would hesitate whether to buy it or $FSLR-0.6%...their technology looks good. 😊

It's a great investment for the future for a few percent of the portfolio. I would even take it as a smaller position if I wasn't full😁

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