Bill Combs @billcombs 5M Would you rather invest in $BRK-B or SP500? I've been investing in the SP500 since the beginning, but I'm thinking of discontinuing that and investing in $BRK-Bfor better performance . Vote to see the results! 0 answers already! BRK-B SP500 12 Share Facebook LinkedIn Messenger Twitter WhatsApp
I invest in both, but I have more money in BRK-B.
I prefer the SP500 it's more comfortable for me and BRK-B is not the same as SP500. I like the system of the SP500.
It is true that BRK-B has better performance, I only invest in stocks. If I had to choose, BRK-B.
I have both in my portfolio.
I invest in both the S&P 500 and Berkshire