Will your portfolio fare better if Donald Trump or Kamala Harris wins the US election?
Honestly, for me, it's going to be about 50/50, because there's something I don't like about both of their agendas, and both Trump and Kamala have things in their agendas that could negatively impact a couple of stocks I have in my portfolio in some way.
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Trump is crazy, I don't like Kamala's thoughts and actions. In the end I may not care if Trump or want to fight.
It's hard to tell with me. I don't like Trump, but I don't like Kamala's idea that he wants to tax excessive profits more. That's just bullshit to me. Maybe a company is successful at something and then has to tax that big profit more than other companies. That's nonsense.
Definitely my portfolio will do better under Kamala. At least I'll have a restful sleep. Trump is a nutcase.
My portfolio probably doesn't care :) The president directly doesn't matter as much as the circumstances.