The digital revolution in the real estate market: who is setting the pace of growth?

The US firm, which focuses on providing data and analytical tools for the commercial and residential real estate market, is one of the key players in the digital real estate services space. Its platforms have access to extensive real estate market information today, including pricing trends, historical transaction data, as well as demographic data that allows professionals to better navigate the complex real estate environment.

In 2024, the firm saw year-over-year revenue growth of 10.9%, reaching total revenue of over $690 million. This growth is primarily driven by expansion into the residential market and growing revenue from its online real estate sales and rental platform. Another interesting trend is the continued expansion of the team, particularly on the residential-focused platform, which boasts 169% year-on-year revenue growth.

Company introduction

CoStar Group $CSGP is an American commercial real estate data and analytics company founded in 1987 and headquartered in Washington,…

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