To all who own TSLA shares I recommend about 60min interview he recently did for CNBC, here I give only the part that I think is essential for shareholders

Musk, in my opinion, has a serious messiah complex, where he can't help but trumpet everything that goes through his complex brain to the world, even at the cost of hurting the companies he runs. Unfortunately, at that moment he is not thinking at all about his shareholders, who own the company he put on the stock exchange.

Tesla jumped up nicely, but somehow it fizzled out during the day. It closed the gap and took a 2% loss.

Even though I don't invest in $TSLA+6.5% I have to say that I'm pleased with this news and I'm glad that Musk is going to take Tesla back.

I have a hard time thinking Tesla is running without Elon anymore. I'm almost certain that if he gets his hands free, he'll stomp on SpaceX more. Maybe we'll finally see an IPO

While Elon's focus is certainly important for Tesla, it's worth noting that he has a history of taking on multiple projects simultaneously. It's possible that he will continue to be involved in both Tesla and Twitter, so it's important to monitor the situation and see how it develops.

And they're also making their models more expensive again

so no more Twitter arguments with Tate and a focus on value creation ? :D

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