Currently my portfolio consists of 3 ETFs and stocks of 18 companies (plus a piddly amount of cryptos). I already find those 18 a lot, mainly because of tracking results etc.

How do you have your portfolio spread out and how much do you track each company?

I only invest in companies that I know won't just disappear and it's not that important if there's a price fluctuation. I do when I buy a stock I do analysis on the weekly chart and there's not that much to deal with often as once in a while when you set certain levels that are interesting, so what happens in between you can't really care 🤷‍♂️ for example CVS is now buying a lot because it looks good both on the weekly and overall as a company and at a -40% discount, well don't buy it... 😂 Otherwise I have 20 so far but I'll get to 25 as the giants Apple , Google etc.. go buy well 😂

18 is still good if you can keep up. I know investors who go for 30+ shares, that seems slightly unreasonable to me already, but everyone has a different risk tolerance, so I don't take it away from anyone if it works and suits them. I stay under 15.

I try to stay under 20 companies over time. And it doesn't take that much work, the initial analysis takes me the most, the results of those 15 companies can be guessed.

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