Reits are very nicely priced at the moment and I personally think that with interest rates coming down, reits could start to profit nicely and grow in price, which are your favourites? I'll highlight $O+0.1% or $VICI-0.3%

$27.68 -$0.08 -0.31%

So far I have $O and+0.1% $VICI-0.3% in my portfolio, but I am still looking at $WPC-0.3%. $O+0.1% is currently at a great price, so I'm buying in regularly.

$O+0.1% $WPC-0.3% and $VICI-0.3% is a lot of reits for one portfolio maybe, but I have them all and I keep buying them. But at the same time, as others write here, it takes watching to make sure the rates don't "catch up"

$O+0.1% has long had a place in my portfolio. For me, a great stock. Now it can be bought at a nice price thanks to the discounts we are experiencing😉

But maybe I have ETFs.

The $O+0.1% is in free fall now but I would wait there because I don't think there was even a reaction to the breakout of the strong trendline which normally happens in such situations... On the other hand $VICI-0.3% there is some buying going on...

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