Do you have $SBUX-0.7%stock in your portfolio?

A lot of people have $SBUX-0.7%stock in their portfolio , but I don't need it in my portfolio. The company is great and the business is great, but I don't see the potential there anymore and the stock is rather stagnant.



$76.26 -$0.57 -0.74%

As a more conservative part of the portfolio, I think it's hard to find a better company.

I do have it in my portfolio, but as has been mentioned by the guys, I think I have bought quite a bit lower, not much, at $95 so I have and am holding. The stock is definitely cyclical, but I find it pretty stable from this type of company. O versus KFC or MC still has the ability to increase margins a bit, even though it's already expensive there. I think they have good marketing, then that service in that program (I don't know what it's called now). Ironically, I don't drink coffee or any of these other products, but I see it as a great business that's especially popular with young people who will just give the money for it. It's like Apple, it's just in. And then also they keep expanding with new branches. If that India market works out for them, that's going to be a lot of new customers.

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