Inflation in the euro area:

- Trend: Declining, reinforcing expectations of an ECB interest rate cut.

- Economies: Inflation rates fell in France, Spain and Germany.

- Germany: Possible easing of wage pressures in the labour market.

Expectations in February:

- Expectations: Inflation rate in the euro area is expected to fall to around 2.5%.

- Analysts: Forecast a slight decline and highlight the ongoing disinflationary trend in the region.

ECB and future actions:

- March 7 meeting: the ECB may confirm an improved inflation outlook.

- Preparing for a rate cut: Potential move to cut interest rates in the future.

- Impact of key factors:

- Stagnant economic growth: still persists as a key factor.

- Labour market: Tight labour market affects price stability in the region.

Great, thanks for that info. 👍

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