Hi investors, I would be interested in your recommendations on where or what to invest free funds with higher liquidity, I would say something like an alternative to savings accounts.

Thank you very much for the recommendations!

I'm thinking about these brokers and want to take a closer look at how Investown works.

Hey, nice opinions, well, you'll see what you pick. I don't help much, but just as I have it with me, so that I am very liquid and sleep well. (I have already experienced a situation of life when I lived with a crown to crown, and I don't want that anymore) so I have 2-3 payouts in my current account (so that I don't have to worry about whether I have enough for daily things or not) and the rest I immediately pour into the stock exchange through Revolut. I'm with eTor. Also there is interest on unused money like other brokers, but I have 2% so far ...so if Trading212 has 6%, that's nice. 👍

For example, the paid Revolut makes sense to me, there are also interesting percentages there. I don't pay for it myself, but there are a lot of utilities.

I see Trinity offers 6.3% on new savings accounts

212 is not taxed, so be sure to declare;)

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