📈💼 Bernstein in his latest review sees a pro PayPal $PYPL+1.1% huge potential!

With a target price above $100 and attractive indicators such as 8%FCF yield (Free Cash Flow Yield)a 15,5x PE 2025, the stock looks like a great investment.



$59.63 $0.66 +1.12%

With cash of approximately 20 % of market capitalization and big buyback plans 8 % shares this year, the outlook is promising. Initiatives such as button user experience improvements and the introduction of PPCPs may accelerate growth that has not yet been fully factored in.

I really like the new CEO Alex Chrisswho has already announced a number of new and exciting announcements this year. Overall, I find PayPal to be an interesting player in the Fintech field.

What is your view of PayPal?

I have a lot of confidence in PayPal - 18% ptf. I believe in the numbers, and they speak clearly. I don't think $100 will be a problem.

We've been talking about PayPal more and as we wrote, I like their CEO too, but it won't be easy, they have a lot of competition. I've had a position there for a while now at an average price of $64, so I'm at about zero right now, but I'm pretty scared of the Fed and overall, I'm more of a wait and see right now. Like the outlook as you write around that $100, jeez, that would be a very nice appreciation eventually. 😊

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