The Biden administration is trying to give the chip industry a boost, not only with grants to factories, but also by turning semiconductor research into an attractive and interesting field for Americans. The law The Chips and Science Act of the 2022 allocates $11 billionto USA maintain its leadership in research and development. The goal is to create new electronic components and defeat Beijing in the battle for technological superiority.

$131.29 -$0.24 -0.18%

Manufacturing stimulus bills are already underway, including a giant $6.5 billiongrant to Micron Technology $MU, as well as other funding for Intel $INTC or Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing $TSM. Butthe US is just getting started with R&D funding, which could be crucial for the future of the semiconductor industry.

US wants to ease access to chip design to attract new technical strength. It is very important not to neglect R&D funding in favour of other areas such as artificial intelligence.

At the same time, there are questions about funding and access to research. Various organisations have warned that it is not right for the new guidelines to allow the federal government to take patents developed with taxpayer money and license those inventions to another entity.

The road to maintaining U.S. leadership in the chip industry is fraught with challenges.

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