Discipline, perseverance, motivation...

Friends, we are an investment site and once in a while I think it needs a little philosophical topic and not always just discussing what who bought/sold and at what price. We are not machines! We have qualities and values that no AI can upload and because of that, I believe there is no limit to what humans can do 😊.

But this post won't just be motivational and on the contrary, I want to discuss here what to do when "something" gets stuck in us. When we seem to run out of the qualities I mentioned in the title? What if the dreaded procrastination engulfs us? ...and even the love of something, or the determination to pursue a goal, begins to falter. 🤔

We know that this industry, this mindset, this life obsession dare I even say, investing is based on deeper thoughts than just momentary gain, getting rich. But as it happens, one goes through different periods in life. Sometimes you feel like you "move a mountain" and sometimes you feel like getting out of bed is incredibly difficult.

This happened to me recently. I wasn't as active here as I used to be, didn't write anything for a month, looked at the broker only sporadically, the stock world just went quiet for me. And the feeling of burnout set in. Of course, I realized it wasn't so much from investing, but from feelings of unfulfillment in general. 🤷‍♂️

And despite my experience as a sports couch and years of giving motivation to others, sometimes we all just have these swings.

Let's stop now from the numbers and charts, let's write, but feel free to stay in the world of investing. How about you? ... investment maniacs, how many times do you find yourself not feeling like going into the stock market, or wondering if you're on the right track? ... And how do you work with yourself, do you take a week off? Do you know how not to "manage" your portfolios? (Because a good investor equals that his portfolio should be able to work without regular interventions). 😊🍀

Sometimes it happens, especially when I have a day off or holidays, so sometimes I don't feel like going, but I feel like I should just go (but I can manage and it doesn't bother me any extra🤣). Otherwise, I'm definitely managing my portfolio so far and it doesn't give me any problem at all when the market doesn't move +20% up or -20% down somehow. If I take it for a week, I usually just need to switch off during that week (most often Saturday or Sunday). Do the minimum amount of work and maybe go out to play sports or watch a movie.

I struggled with burnout over last summer, when I had no desire to live, let alone work. Anyway, in this case, staying in nature for a longer period of time always helps me to settle my thoughts and I am always ready after some time.

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