This company has affected the entire energy sector from the ground up

Pioneering many of the technologies that have become standard in the oil and gas industry, the company has specialized in a wide range of technologies and services for the entire energy industry. With dynamic earnings and cash flow growth that exceeds the industry average, this company is worthy of attention.

This article will focus on analyzing the company's financial ratios and performance to better understand its investment potential and strategic prospects within the global energy industry.

Company introduction

Baker Hughes $BKR is a global industrial and energy company headquartered in Houston, Texas that focuses on providing integrated services and technologies to the oil and gas industry. It was formed in 1987 through the merger of Baker International and Hughes Tool Company, two pioneering oil and gas companies with roots dating back to the early 20th century.

Baker Hughes specializes in a wide range of products and services that span the entire energy industry value chain, from…

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