Fortnite returns to iPhones and Android: a win for players and competitors alike

After a four-year wait, the popular multiplayer shooter Fortnite is returning to iPhones in the European Union and Android devices globally. This return is the result not only of legal action, but also of the tireless fight by developer Epic Games for fair competition in the digital marketplace. What led to Fortnite being left out of the loop and what are the implications for players, developers and the tech giants themselves?

What happened?

In August 2020, Apple and Google removed Fortnite from their app stores. This was due to the launch of an in-game payment feature that circumvented their rules and allowed players to pay the developer directly, avoiding the up to 30% commissions that Apple $AAPL+3.7% and Google $GOOG+1.5% charge for transactions. The move sparked a wave of lawsuits and opened up a debate about the monopoly position of these tech giants.

Epic Games, backed by Chinese company Tencent, has decided to oppose these terms and seek a rule change that would allow developers a fairer playing field in the market. As a result, Fortnite has become a symbol of resistance to the dominance of large corporations in the digital world.

Why did this happen?

Epic Games' main motive was to change the rules of the game - literally and figuratively. The company argued that commissions of up to 30% on each transaction were unreasonable and limited competition. By allowing players to pay directly, it wanted to show that there was an alternative to the established monopolies.

The adoption of the Digital Markets Act by the European Union was a pivotal moment in this fight. This law aims to ensure fairer conditions in the digital marketplace and to curb monopolistic practices by the tech giants. Thanks to this law, Epic Games has managed to bring Fortnite back to iPhones in Europe, although Apple is still preventing users outside the EU from accessing the game.

Who benefits from this?

Fortnite's return to mobile is a big win for gamers, who after four years can once again join the battle for the last survivor on their favourite platforms. In addition, it opens up new opportunities for other developers who can also offer their games through indie app stores thanks to the support of Epic Games.

With this move, Epic Games expects to attract an additional 100 million mobile users by the end of the yeardemonstrating the huge interest gamers have in the platform. At the same time, competition in the market is intensifying, which should lead to a greater diversity of apps and games on offer.


The return of Fortnite to iPhones and Android is not only an important step for gamers, but also a symbol of change in the digital market. Thanks to the struggle of Epic Games and the support of the European Union, it has opened the door to competition and broken the long-standing monopoly of the tech giants. This move shows that even the big players must respect the rules and allow fair competition, which benefits everyone - players, developers and the entire digital ecosystem.

Source: Yahoo Finance, CNN.

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