✈️ Boeing and labor costs!
Boeing $BA is on the cusp of significant changes that could fundamentally affect its financial outlook and market position. A recently proposed labor agreement that is expected to give employees a wage increase of 35 % over four years could increase the company's payroll costs by more than $1 billion. Despite this, Boeingshares have gained more than 6 %, as investors hope an end is near to a strike that has severely disrupted production of key aircraft models such as the popular 737 MAX.

📉 Although it appears that management Boeing is trying to end the strike quickly, which is necessary to improve the company's financial situation, some analysts remain cautious. Matthew Akers z Wells Fargo warns that the contract may not be accepted by employees, despite improvements over previous proposals. According to Akers overall sentiment among employees is still divided and uncertain.

Analysts estimate the costs associated with the new wages to be more than 1 billion dollars, with some even speculating a cost increase of up to 1.3 billion dollars. This jump in costs comes at a time when Boeing is already facing problems associated with disrupted supply chains and fragile manufacturing capacity.

📊 Long-term impact on production capacity. Strikes like this can have long-term implications for production capacity. It could take 6-12months to return to full production capacity after a strike ends , meaning Boeing could continue to face losses in a key aircraft production segment, particularly the 737 MAX, which the company "cash cow" for the company. This disruption could have serious implications not only for Boeing's own revenues , but also for the entire supply chain, which is already under pressure.

💡 That's why it's crucial to monitor how Boeing how Boeing will deal with the increase in labour costs and how quickly it will be able to restore production to full capacity. While the short-term growth in the stock is encouraging, the situation remains uncertain. A quick end to the strike could be a positive sign, but the key will be how the company manages production and whether it can offset higher labour costs.

The challenges facing the company may also be an opportunity for those who can see the long-term potential.

✈️Jaký Do you have an opinion on Boeing?

Boeing is still in big trouble and it will probably be for a while. For me, it's too big a risk, so I won't be buying the stock.

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