Invisible Guardians of Authenticity: the technology that protects global markets

RFID technology and the fight against counterfeits are revolutionising industries around the world. The global economy loses more than $500 billion each year to counterfeit goods, which has not only economic, but also health and environmental impacts. Surprisingly, for example, the US Customs Service seized $2.4 billion worth of counterfeit goods in 2022. However, the problem is not insurmountable...

Thanks to innovations in RFID and authentication solutions, companies can effectively secure their supply chains, minimize counterfeit risks and ensure product safety. Today, we'll be talking about one company that is addressing these challenges and transforming the market with its innovations

A leading innovation in this area offers the capability of real-time wireless cryptographic authentication. This technology has caught the attention of Fast Company magazine, which has ranked it as one of the most important innovations of 2024. In addition, companies using modern authentication systems…

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