The future of banking: how cloud innovation is driving growth

Digital banking has experienced unprecedented growth in recent years, not only due to the growing number of users, but also due to innovations brought about by new cloud-based solutions for financial institutions. In 2024, the company analyzed today achieved revenues of $85.9 million, a 26.9% year-over-year increase. This growth is accompanied by an improvement in gross margin to 58.9% and a significant reduction in net loss, which reached only $9.4 million compared to $15.5 million in the previous year.

This dynamic development is confirmed by the positive outlook for the fourth quarter of 2024, when the company expects revenues between USD 89 million and USD 90 million and adjusted EBITDA between USD 8.5 million and USD 9 million. The company has also seen strong demand for its products, winning nine new clients and extending contracts with several existing ones through 2031. The growth in revenue and client base is expected to continue in the coming years, with analysts projecting 88…

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