Royalties and mining: the road to passive profits

This time we focused on a company that was founded in 1961 as a publicly traded trust based in New York. Its primary purpose is to generate revenue from iron ore mining in an area known as the Mesabi Iron Range in the state of Minnesota. This area is one of the most important iron ore deposits in the United States and has a long history of mining dating back to the late 19th century.

The company generates revenue through royalties it collects from the mining company. These royalties are calculated based on several factors, primarily the total volume of pellets shipped and the market selling price of the pellets. This means that if the demand for iron pellets increases and the market price rises, the company's revenue also increases. Conversely, in periods of declining production or lower iron prices, the company's revenue may be limited.

Company presentation

Mesabi Trust $MSB is a publicly traded trust established in 1961 under the laws of the State of New York. Its primary purpose is to…

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