This is too much even for me. In the last 6 months +150% - a return to the top.

After the results, an incredible price increase of another 24%!

Nvidia $NVDA+0.6% is a good company, but this is one big speculation. Sales down 13% year over year and EPS down 20%. The market is just riding that now it's beating estimates. The only thing dragging it down is AI.

The worst part is that you can't even short these hypes as it's just going with such force that anything gets bought out immediately.

Nojo, retail shopping. I don't like it, the market seems to me to be in the same state as it was during the covid, it's purely on hype and which stock is better known for its gains.

I agree with you and the people here in general, I'm really enjoying the support. Even opposing views are fine and move people along. As we were discussing this yesterday, I was personally expecting some sort of correction. Fortunately, I was sitting on my hands. To everyone holding on, a big congrats! Oh, and as you say, it's just the hype on AI. Ok I get it, it's just a big concern this AI, the race to see who's going to be the best and cool, it's pulling all the tech for us, but that much? I mean the real value is elsewhere right? My point is that although I'm no economist, it's just that you can see that there's not yet an environment for markets to grow, there's a lot of bogeymen that need to be resolved, calmed down. And everyone is just going crazy on the wave of growth enthusiasm, retail is still out there ripping up everything it can, as you say, there's not even room for a short because it's immediately bought out ...but then what, it probably won't be a soft landing then. :D (And as for cryptos, everyone saw themselves a millionaire when they jumped on the "train" at $60k, well, but then cried when it went off the cliff. Ok, cool I'm happy too, as I hold the technologies that work on AI, but I'm waiting for the sobering. I don't know when, but it's coming. Until then, congrats to the traders who can "time it better" and take profits on it. :)

I didn't expect that, it makes absolutely no sense to me. Same thing with AMD. Congratulations to everyone still holding on.

It's a flop, but the view looks promising. I for one would've picked up some profits slowly.

I just skimmed through the results and it was probably not about this quarter, but about the estimated growth of the next one. The price corresponded to about 40% growth and they're promising maybe 65% or whatever. Then TSM's price responded decently, so I wonder what they'll announce as the backlog of orders.

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