Musk's Neuralink was given permission to test on humans, and it makes me wonder if it's too much for him even now after he "handed" Twitter over to other hands.

Sure, he's a really hyper-productive guy, but personally I think he's most excited about SpaceX and Tesla.

What are your thoughts on how much he divides his attention and time?

I didn't like buying and worrying about Twitter. However, I find Neuralink fascinating and see the potential in it. Hopefully, though, it will at least be as dedicated to Tesla and SpaceX as it has been.

I'd test his neuralink on myself if I got the chance :D And as for his time or attention, I dare say Musk has gotten back on the track that suits him best, so now that Twitter isn't his next time guzzler, I think his attention is moving in the direction it should.

So Twitter influenced Tesla's share price a lot, the deal was probably more complicated, but I think you could basically say that Twitter bought Tesla's shares and as the market didn't take it favourably and it coincided with a general market downturn so it had to sell a lot more than it probably expected. Tesla's plunge to $100 was then an exceptional buying opportunity. (We only know now unfortunately although I remember I wrote somewhere that up to $150 was a good opportunity because there is nothing stopping Tesla from returning to $300 now that the Twitter settlement has closed and the only assumption is that a bigger recession won't come, But I'm not going to take it because I'm going to take a better opportunity elsewhere.) Well, about not keeping up 🤷‍♂️ I'm basically only interested in Tesla, and there I see, albeit in Musk's shadow, at least three key figures who will basically do all the work. So I don't think that's gonna take up that much of his time.

I'm not a Tesla shareholder precisely because, one, it's overpriced (in my opinion) and, two, it's an easily influenced stock as far as Musk is concerned. It's too strongly tied to him and I don't like that at all.

I don't feel that the acquisition of Twitter, for example, would have any negative impact on SpaceX or Tesla. Get a competent person if you need to. I would say he handles everything very well.

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