Save and remember!
"Investing in knowledge pays the best returns." - Benjamin Franklin
"I'll tell you how to get rich. Close the door. Be afraid when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are afraid." - Warren Buffett
"It's not whether you're right or wrong, it's how much money you make when you're right and how much you lose when you're wrong." - George Soros
"If you have a 10% chance of winning a hundredfold, you should take that bet every time." - Jeff Bezos
"Don't look for a needle in a haystack. Just buy a haystack!" - John Bogle
"The stock market is full of people who know the price of everything but the value of nothing." - Phillip Fisher
"How many millionaires do you know who got rich by investing in savings accounts?" - Robert G. Allen
"We don't predict macroeconomic factors; we look at our companies from the bottom up in terms of their long-term prospects for return." - Mellody Hobson
"The individual investor should behave consistently as an investor, not as a speculator." - Ben Graham
Investing regularly in quality companies is the key to success, "Market timing always beats market timing!" - Adam Pustowka 😉
Have a great Saturday everyone!
I like the Jeff Bezos one. You just gotta take risks sometimes.
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Nice, some I know, some I don't. I think it's great.
Great, thanks for the review. Some statements I already knew, but some I'm reading for the first time.
This will probably be a bit controversial, but I don't think "investing in education" is the most important thing today. The important thing is to invest as soon as possible and I can get an education for free or for a few pennies on the internet.