How are you doing with $WMT? Have you been buying the dip, or are you not investing in this dividend?
It's currently back around the TOP values. I'll hold on to my shares.
How are you doing with $WMT? Have you been buying the dip, or are you not investing in this dividend?
It's currently back around the TOP values. I'll hold on to my shares.
I'd lean more towards $TGT or Ahold Delhaize at current pricing, if it's not just the U.S. (I'm sure you know Czech Albert 😉)
I like the company and would like to buy its shares, but at a lower price.
If I have to choose whether to put my money into a chain store with a P/E of 37.5 or a mass producer without which the world as we know it would stop at a P/E of 37.8, it won't take me too long to think.
Some numbers:
EPS growth past 5y WMT 6% next 5y 5.4%
EPS growth trap 5y ASML 24% next 5y 30%
Margin: WMT gross 24% net 1.8%:))
Margin: ASML gross 51% net 28%
ROIC: WMT 7.8%, ASML 26%
PEG: WMT 7, ASML 1.27
10y performance including two WMT:158.20%, ASML: 895.73%, SPY:228%
I understand, but like I said, it's around TOP prices at the moment, so it's not cheap to buy.
So it's not too big a dip for me to consider buying 😀