US-India relations have entered a new chapter.

On Thursday, 22 June, Joe Biden and Indian Prime Minister Nerendra Modi toasted at a joint dinner at the White House.

We've been talking about India lately, and I agree that there is potential there. Even though difficult, perhaps unrealistic for us to buy individual stocks, at least good news for the market entering this territory. Yesterday we toasted new technology and defense deals together.

"When India and the US work together on semiconductors and minerals, it helps the world make supply chains more diverse, more resilient and more reliable," Modi said while addressing a joint session of the US Congress. "At the turn of the century, we were strangers to defence cooperation, but now the United States has become one of our most important defence partners." He added

But the article cautioned that this is not an alliance and their relationship will be very different from that of other countries in the region with Washington.

Early agreements were forged, for example, to build General Electric F414 engines in India and repair deployed US Navy ships in Indian shipyards. They have also agreed to collaborate across space and artificial intelligence, while working together to ensure resilient mineral supply chains.

Under this, both sides envision innovation across industries. Furthermore, a willingness to improve their trade relations, which includes ending 6 outstanding disputes at the World Trade Organisation.

It's probably not too surprising, the US has always tried to get in where it could and if they can't do too well with China, why not try the neighbors. 😁 I don't understand politics at all, but this is certainly good news for us investors as companies will surely start to emerge that will benefit from this. What do you think?

The relationship between the US and India is certainly important.As you write, this is good news for us investors and I look forward to seeing an Indian company being created or coming up that I can invest in.

Good relations with India are crucial. I would like to see the EU working more with India.

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