What do you think of $NKE-20.0%? I think it's a great company, price-wise it's pretty far from the top too. You buying?



$75.37 -$18.82 -19.98%

I don't know those "Jumpman" posts, but Nike is trolling everywhere or something?;)

It's a great company, but I would appreciate it if the share price was lower.

I used to ride its growth, I had it in my portfolio when buying under $100 and selling around $120. If it goes below $100 again, I'll start watching it and consider buying. There are a lot of brands, I don't know the Jumpman one at all either, but Nike in general is popular a lot.

My asking price would be more towards $90. Then I'd take a closer look at it.

I'll slowly put it back on my watchlist, but I need to see what's behind the drop. It occurs to me that I'm seeing the Jumpman brand everywhere on Gen Z?;)

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