I would like to include in my portfolio the shares of at least one agricultural company. Recently mentioned here was $DE-0.9% stock which I quite like. However, I have come across one other company, and that is Archer Daniels Midlan. This American company is involved in the processing of food and agricultural raw materials.

$62.48 $0.35 +0.56%
Capital Structure
Market Cap
Enterpr. Val.

$ADM+0.6% is a financially stable company and the stock has been rising for a long time.

Does it make sense for you to invest in this sector and do you have any agricultural stocks included in your portfolio?

DE for me a fine company

Thanks for the tip guys, I'm looking for something in this field and both $ADM+0.6% and $TSN-1.1% look good. I'm also watching $BYND-1.3% while we're on the subject of food, so I'm not a vegetarian or vegan but this is growing in the number of people switching to it so this might not be bad either but I don't have the analysis on it.

Probably a classic food manufacturer... Thin margins, but a consistent, safe business. Debt I think is negligible relative to cash flows. I don't know the company's story, perhaps just beware of potential lawsuits and regulation if they are involved in, say, livestock production. Currently at a fair price in my opinion, so I wouldn't expect any staggering returns from it.
I have $TSN-1.1% in my portfolio for as little as $50. So far the price hasn't moved much, but it will start. I'll be collecting a nice dividend until then.

At first glance this looks like a nice and healthy company, as a complement to DE within the sector why not.

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