I Despite the fact that $AMZN-1.2% stock is currently pretty high I am thinking about including $AMZN-1.2% stock in my portfolio. According to the Bulios indicator, the stock is overvalued by over 30%, but in the long run I wouldn't be afraid to buy even at the current price. I would want to hold Amazon stock for the long term and if the share price gets below $120, I would already be buying.

How do you view Amazon and does it make sense for you to buy $AMZN-1.2% stock at the current price?



$197.59 -$2.41 -1.20%
Capital Structure
Market Cap
Enterpr. Val.

I also like the company and have it in my portfolio. As you write with and others here agree, as per the log term why not, surely in maybe 10 years the price will be a lot different, I expect upside. 😊 As for how much it is overvalued, to some extent it is individual. It's great to know a fair price, or be able to calculate it, but it depends on what parameters you put in, although most are the same from spreadsheets, there are a few that are just yours so it can vary. I personally don't buy yet, my purchase is something around $100 and I figure I'm not out of the woods yet so if we got lower, like the $120 you mention, I'd be overbuying. 😊

More or less like you, Lukas. 😊

This way, it's probably great for long, you can't make a mistake there... but according to the fair price here on Bulios, it looks like it's 30% overvalued... so I might wait to enter :)

For me in the longterm I would buy it:)

It's still a nice discount from the top, but they're now in the zone from where they've bounced in the past. It shouldn't have much effect on the investment though. A high PE is normal for this stock then.

For me now before resistence I would probably wait for any reaction there is that $120 option. 🙂

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