I've been thinking about buying shares of $KOMB.PR+0.5% for a long time. I recently decided to buy and will soon include $KOMB.PR+0.5% stock in my portfolio. KB stock is currently undervalued and the bank pays an 8% dividend, which I like very much.

Do you have shares of Komerční banka or any other Czech banks in your portfolio?

788.5 Kč 4 Kč +0.51%
Capital Structure
Market Cap
Enterpr. Val.

This is one of the few companies I would consider if I invested in the Czech Republic. Nice company and dividend.

You'll end up buying on Fio?

I have $KOMB.PR+0.5%, also makes sense to me.

Komerční banka looks solid, but as Filip writes, I think their earnings will be affected quite significantly in the coming period. I won't buy yet, but in a year when I have more cash ready, I'll buy Moneta as well.

I have KB stock with coin, a great and stable title and the dividend is just icing on the cake.

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