Here we go!

The UK antitrust regulator CMA has approved the revised deal for the acquisition of game developer $ATVI+0.1% by $MSFT-0.8%.

How do you feel about this acquisition, which has been dragging on for over a year. I haven't found a report anywhere on how it will work out with shareholders, does anyone have any information? @lukasandel and I discussed this in a recent post.

Do you own shares of $ATVI+0.1% or $MSFT-0.8%?

It's been dragging on for a really long time and it's great that it's getting finished. I don't own shares of either company, but if $MSFT's-0.8% share price gets below $300, I'd probably buy already.

MSTF will buy all the shares, so ATVI will be delisted. Personally, I've already sold it and my money can work elsewhere for now, because I don't know when it will actually sell.

Hi, you beat me to the news today, morning free, get up, chill, finish homework, read and then write, ready to post and wham, there it is. 😂 Yes, we talked about it and good news for me, I was cheering them on. I have both companies, both nicely in the green, and am now rather curious as to how the $ATVI+0.1% stock will do ?

I own $MSFT-0.8% and for me it's great news:)

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