McDonald's reports results tomorrow. I would very much like to include $MCD-1.9% stock in my portfolio, but the stock still looks expensive to me. Shares of $MCD-1.9% have been falling quite a bit lately and the price isn't that bad anymore. I'll wait until tomorrow and if the stock drops after earnings, I'd be buying already.

At what price would you buy $MCD-1.9% stock?

$249.99 -$4.85 -1.90%

For me, it's still high.

Let it fall! Still high for me. 😆

I've never looked too closely at MCD, but I'll shoot for $215 or so from the eye.

Since I've owned them for a long time my shopping is half that, so at current prices I probably won't buy and at 100 I hope it's nrpodiva

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