A dividend of 8.86% and growth that outperforms even the S&P 500

One of the leading mid-size and larger business finance companies in the U.S. delivers exceptional results for shareholders. Since its IPO in 2004, it has achieved a total return of over 600% when focusing on the best entry points (the price was under $3.5), significantly outperforming the S&P 500. Its dividend policy, which has included stable or increasing payouts for 15 years, has yielded investors a current yield of 8.86%. Interest in its stock is evidenced by speculation that it is part of Warren Buffett's "secret portfolio" due to its emphasis on quality assets, a diversified portfolio, and long-term stable performance.

The company manages nearly $25 billion through more than 500 investment entities, with the majority of its portfolio comprised of first-lien secured loans. Through conservative risk management, the NPL ratio remains at a low 1.3% of face value. In the most recent quarter, the Company reported net investment additions of over $1.3 billion, exceeding expectations and…

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