Investors, have you ever bought shares in an IPO?
I've never bought, because usually after a while there is a drop anyway, so I usually just watch the IPO. I guess my only regret is that I didn't bet a little on $RDDT.
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Occasionally there are some interesting IPOs, but mostly I just watch.
Reddit makes me a little sad too, but that can't be helped.
I don't buy in IPOs as a matter of principle, there is a very high probability that it will fall.
I have only tried a quick trade at IPO $COIN, with stocks, and thanks to that with relatively low risk. Otherwise, no.
After an IPO, shares usually go cheaper when they fall for the first few days. So if I were to buy, it would be after the IPO. But so far I haven't come across anything I like.
At the IPO of $RDDT, I thought about buying too, but didn't. Since then the stock has grown tremendously😃