Strong dividend strategy and growth in the lucrative industrial real estate market

Operating exclusively in one of the world's largest industrial markets, this company is surprising with its dynamic growth and attractive results. With a portfolio of more than 50 million square feet of lettable space, it has not only managed to increase occupancy but also achieved significant rental growth - in some periods by tens of percent. The dividend yield is currently 4.3%, making it an attractive option for investors looking for stable income. This yield is supported by long-term dividend growth, which has averaged over 13% per annum over the past decade.

The company's unique strategy is its geographic focus on Southern California, which combines high demand with a limited supply of industrial space. This approach provides not only stability, but also opportunities for continued growth through acquisitions and redevelopment of existing properties. Despite the current market challenges, the company has shown remarkable resilience, whether it is its year-over-year increase in net…

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