What do you think about the drop in $TSLAstock ? Are you overbought?
Lots of stocks are down this week and Tesla stock is down significantly. The stock is down 20% in the last month alone. I'm just waiting for the price to get below $300, and then I'll start overbought.
$TSLA is too volatile of a stock for me and is an unnecessary risk.
For me 250 is possible, but for how long I don't know, so to accumulate something 😂 I started around 160 and I have it somewhere around 200 dca. Well something told me I could sell 450 and buy around 300. I haven't done that, but still despite the swing on the portfolio where Tesla is doing me a lot of time and I only have 3 stocks left, I'm a believer and I believe in the potential for 1000+ in 5 years or so. 😃🙏 I guess with robotaxi I don't expect a rocket right away, but the reaction at full launch and selling Optimus is the one I'm interested in. 😃
I think the decline will continue and prices will be even better, but I have already bought a little.
The stock is already pretty cheap, but it's entirely possible that the stock will look even closer to $250.
It's a nice slump, but I'm shopping. I'd like to because I remember a time when the price was somewhere under $200 and I was eyeing it up but didn't have the guts to go for it. Musk is a person with me where I don't really have an opinion of him myself. For a while he strikes me as a dude, a visionary with a great determination to help, to make a difference, and then he drops something somewhere, puts on a "show" and strikes me as terrible. Like a stock price, up, down. Even if the volatility isn't as high. So I just watch from afar and sometimes I have fun. What about you, are you investing in Tesla?