Exxon Mobil
XOM Fair Price
My Notes
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Active ExxonMobil($XOM) board member Jeffrey W. Ubben made 2 trades earlier this week, buying a total of 650,000 shares of $XOM stock. That's an amount worth over $69 million. That's a lot of money, don't you think? 😉
Jeffrey W. Ubben is a respected portfolio manager and co-founder of ValueAct Capital, a hedge fund that has beaten the SP500 index over the long term.
I may yet...
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Now that's a decent purchase and a decent bat :D. I'll have to check out that $XOM.
Interesting graphic - Electric cars and their impact on oil consumption
As the world moves towards electrification of the transport sector, the demand for oil will be replaced by the demand for electricity. The infographic attached below shows how much oil has been and will be saved every day between 2015 and 2025 by different types of electric vehicles, according to...
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Unfortunately, oil will always be needed, but it could be significantly less.
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Leaving out the six. ...it makes me wonder how it's all based on tech companies... :)
The price is already nice, but if it got under $100 it would be even better.