Mart Poom
I'm a bit scared of how concentrated that market is... 😬 What do you think?
The S&P index is up 13% since the beginning of the year. 7 stocks are responsible for 93% of that. The rest of the market is only up +1.4%.

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This may mean that there are many valuation-interesting companies in the SP500 index at the moment.😉
Hey a few years back I remember everyone telling me that buying $AAPL was nonsense, that it wasn't going to grow anymore. Well 300%... I'm not complaining 🤷♂️ This is a stock I'm probably not going to sell even if I could see that the valuation was already completely nonsense. In fact, it seems to me that it completely defies all conventional methods and rules.
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Exactly, the business is unreal and $AAPL stock is awesome. I also hold and plan to hold for several years, even decades.
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Interesting, I've never compared it like this when in what company they are at, specifically with these. I'm holding all of them and got the buys pretty low around prices when it was down last fall 2022. I'm not buying any longer now as I'd be spoiling my average but if the Fed doesn't raise now, as the chance is 25% so far only, it will probably climb further even though past history shows June as weaker. Then I would start overbought again and then gradually sell off again. Otherwise, I want to hold those good buy prices in these companies as long as possible. 😊
Guys just out of curiosity - what's your year-to-date return now? I'm 11.4% up net with no wonders and it scares me a bit 😂 How are you guys doing? 🤔
So I took profits on the last tiny little position on $NVDA, which I sort of speculatively kept after I wrote here about 14 days ago about taking out at 60%. I'm not sorry I didn't leave the rest in... Rather that I didn't put 10x as much in a year ago 🤪 It was open 5/20/2022, so it worked out almost exactly.
No of course I'm kidding. It was all kind of within strategy and I'm...
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I think this is a risk that can be mapped relatively well and then you can think if it makes sense. I don't have the stock, but I keep my fingers crossed for all the supporters 😀 .
Dividendid - paljud meist armastavad neid ja otsivad neid sageli. Täna tahaksin vaadata dividendikuningaid, kes võivad pakkuda meile rasvaseid väljamakseid ja ka natuke lohutust, kui järgmine turukrahh tuleb. Pealegi kaubeldakse nende aktsiatega pisut odavamalt, mida kindlasti ei tohi maha arvata.

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Eelmisel nädalal allkirjastati USA pooljuhtide tootmise stimuleerimise seadus, millega eraldatakse 52 miljardit dollarit kodumaiste pooljuhtide uurimise ja tootmise toetamiseks. Ülemaailmne nõudlus kiipide järele kasvab murettekitava kiirusega ja kasvab veelgi, kuna üha rohkem seadmeid on kavandatud "arukateks" ja ühendatud seadmeteks.

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Sõda voogedastusteenuste vahel on tohutult huvitav. Pärast King Netflixi järgivad paljud hundimehed näiteks Disney, Amazoni või Warner Bros Discovery $WBD jälgedes. Teiste hulgas kuulub WBD alla ka HBO Max, mis on võtnud kohustuse koondada töötajaid. Kas see on osa WBD strateegiast või probleemide lahendamisest?

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Kuigi ma arvan, et mul on üsna mõistlikult hajutatud portfell, olen hiljuti hakanud otsima konservatiivsemaid investeeringuid. Mulle meeldib maa ja võib-olla ka vesi üldiselt kaubelda. Põllumajandusmaa on Buffetti tuntud valik. Kõige sagedamini seostatakse vett Michael Burryga, kuigi need investeeringud on erainvesteeringud, mitte riiklikud. Aga ma olen lihtsalt veidi hämmingus...
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Wall Streeti tippstrateegid on praegu USA aktsiaturgude edasise käekäigu suhtes enneolematult eriarvamusel. Kas USA aktsiaturg on valmis pikendama oma aasta pikimat võidukäiku või libiseb hoopis tagasi madalamatele tasemetele...
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K jakému scénáři se více přikláníte?
Tere, kolleegid. Otsustasin taas oma arvamust teiega jagada.
Täna on S&P 500 roheline. Seega on meil kavas neljas järjestikune nädal, mil see USA indeks võidab mõned protsendipunktid. Seega on mõned investorid täis positiivsust ja naudivad praegust rallit. Mõned seevastu on skeptilised ja näevad lähitulevikus ette järsku langust.
Turgudel läheb praegu lihtsalt hästi ja aktsiad on...
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ASML is indispensable for all chipmakers, unfortunately it is not so visible on the stock. If it will level out I don't know, I guess they need to start talking about AI 😂