📈 US Health Sector 🏥💼💰

Welcome, dear investors! Today I'd like to focus on the US healthcare sector and compare a few notable stocks with you, I'll summarize 3 as a tip:

1️⃣ $JNJ-0.3% is a long-established company in medical equipment, pharmaceuticals and consumer healthcare products. They have a strong portfolio of innovative products and are known for their research and development achievements. JNJ also pays a steady dividend, which is attractive to investors looking for long-term income. Their global reach and diverse business divisions provide a solid foundation for investing in this sector.

2️⃣ $MMM+0.1% is a company focused on technology solutions and innovative products in a variety of industries, including the healthcare sector. They are known for their wide range of products such as medical bandages, patches, surgical masks and more. With their technological superiority and global reach, they have a strong market position. Their diversification across different sectors can attract investors as it reduces the risk of dependence on one sector.

3️⃣ $UNH-1.7% is one of the leading health insurance companies in the US. The company provides health care and health insurance for individuals and groups. UNH is characterized by steady revenue growth and is known for its efficient management and strategic acquisitions. With the increase in demand for health insurance and related services, UNH has the potential to continue its success.

What are your favorites in this area and what companies are you buying or thinking about buying at today's prices? :)

Nice examples, the $MMM+0.1% one I also started to follow, I am waiting for now, because there are enough lawsuits as Pavel writes and it could still go up. Let me ask you, what about $CVS-1.3% company, do you know it and possibly what do you think about it?

Great, thanks for the review. You've worked it out nicely. I recently bought $MMM+0.1%, but I also like $JNJ-0.3%. However, $JNJ-0.3% is currently expensive for me.

Only 3M! 🚀😁

$JNJ-0.3% nice dividend, don't have it yet but it's on my watchlist. I'm tempted to buy $MMM+0.1% at these prices, but I'm not sure how far the lawsuits can go, which is probably why it's so emasculated, because other investors have a similar mindset. So it's definitely high on the watchlist. $UNH-1.7% too expensive for me at that price I can have some good companies.

For me, $MMM+0.1% is in 1st place. The company is now a nice buy at around $100 per share and we may see lower prices.

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