In September, people in the US should start paying back the debts they incurred to graduate.

But there is talk of the state forgiving/facilitating them. What do you think about that?

If this is forgiven, the US is definitely going down the tubes in my opinion 😀 .

This is a terribly problematic issue. In the US, it is insanely expensive to study and without loans a large number of people would never be able to afford it - which is a negative for the state because it has less chance of finding really capable people with great potential. But on the other hand, every other nobody goes to university nowadays, often without any goal of what they want to be, just because of the degree, Then there is a glut, and the person with the degree has such poor prospects of getting a good job, and not much debt to boot - and such a person is not ideal for the state either. Debt forgiveness is not the solution, the solution would be to severely restrict according to ability so that every other monkey who is the least bit smart doesn't study.

I don't really get it, it's like they don't know they have a huge debt and they have to do something about it. I don't know what their plan is. Except maybe raising the debt ceiling from infinity :D

That's gonna go to hell. I hope they have some sense left

I hope they don't pass any concessions. It's a pretty bad idea. I wish they'd start paying up. $SOFI-0.9% 😁🚀

A good step for the students for sure, but where will the money come from again? The debt needs to be expanded probably 😀 😀

Politically brilliant. Realistic? Destructive. This is starting to smell like Czech politics, we'll give it to you, it'll be free, we'll make it cheaper.... And where are we gonna get the money for it? Don't worry about it 😎

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