Films about investing and finance
My favorite movies about investing are, of course, The Wolf of Wall Street and Bet on Uncertainty. After that, I also really like the movie The Swap and Margin Call. I recently watched the miniseries Eat The Rich : The GameStop Saga, which is a wonderful look at the GameStop case and what was going on, and for example how the broker Robinhood got involved. It is unreal how one person on YouTube "moved" the $GMEstock price depending on what he said in the video to other investors.
What are your favorite movies or TV shows about investing and finance?
Most of the films/series about investing are unfortunately of rather poor quality (with the exceptions of Margin Call and Big Short) so I prefer material that deals with some sort of company history, founder bio, cause, etc.
So maybe a bit OT, but maybe someone will be interested:
I'm surprised good old Bet on Uncertainty (Big Short) didn't make an appearance here ejkejej Mr Burry 👌
Everyone probably knows most of these movies/series, so I'll include something more recent, at least in terms of treatment, Madoff: The Monster of Wall Street. It's a miniseries about one of the biggest Ponzi schemes in Wall Street history.
If you enjoyed GameStop, don't skip the history of Uber, I think there should be a movie on it, but I know it from youtube -
Thanks for the tips, I'll definitely check something out. So far I've seen The Wolf of Wallstreet and then the beginnings of Apple and Microsoft in the movie Pirates of Sillicon Valley.
So I have to say, the GameStop saga was perfect👌
So I have to say, the GameStop saga was perfect👌
So I have to say, the GameStop saga was perfect👌