Lately I've been thinking about including $PEP stock in my portfolio. Pepsi stock is not currently at a bad price at all, as confirmed by the indicator here on Bulios. If the share price gets below $175, I would be happy to buy. Some might find the current share price expensive, but looking at it from a long-term perspective, the stock is currently at a great price. A lot of people will probably prefer $KO stock , but I probably like $PEP stock better. However, the two companies are very similar and I think it almost doesn't matter if one buys KO or PEP stock.
Do you have $PEP or $KO stock in your portfolio and at what prices are you buying ?
Alternatively, you can vote in the poll whether you are Team Coca-Cola or Team Pepsi.
Vote to see the results! 2 answers already!
I'm Team Coke and I really like this event :)
I have both in my portfolio and would vote for both again :)
1. Why not buy both?
2. Why wait for the 175USD price that may or may not come and not take them for 180USD? The difference is absolutely negligible.