So another week ends with another decline.

Today we expect data from the US labour market. The result, unfortunately negative, exceeded by up to twice the expectations of economists who had estimated the creation of 170 000 jobs. However, the data pointed to a figure of up to 330 thousand jobs. 🤔

What this shows - that the resilience of the labor market may further pressure the Fed to keep interest rates high for longer or even raise them further. Great, succinct description in his post

Personally, although I see a big drop in my portfolio over the last two months and have made some gradual purchases, I'm going to take a break now at least until Oct 12 when CPI results are in and then buy the dips again. 😊 And how do you view the current situation?

Thanks for the info. I haven't been shopping much lately. I'm interested to see how CPI turns out and then I guess we'll see, but I think the Fed will raise rates again this year.

Decent shot, but... Good news is bad news. I still believe there will be one more hike before the end of the year.

I'll add another comment like this rather than every angry one because I agree with everyone, I don't take the drop badly, it's a buying opportunity and that cash is gradually building back up nice, but today I'm confused ... after the open the drop was quite interesting, but then it reversed and I end the day with even nicer green numbers. 😲 How so? ...when the data wasn't what the Fed wanted to see.

It's time to take profits, rather than growth comes decline.

I wouldn't take the drop too negatively. 😉

That result is really crazy... but it was influenced by some pretty interesting factors for me.

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