Good evening, I would like to know what made you the most happy this year in terms of investments. For me it wasn't the biggest gain, but it was the inclusion of $BRK-B+1.3%, but the growth of technology stocks was also pleasing:)

Of course, I was most happy about the profits. But I'm glad, for example, that I included REITs or $CAT-0.7% stock in my portfolio this year.

I've been pleased with a lot of things I've started investing in this year and I think I've done pretty well. I came across this site where we pass on good stock tips to each other, that also makes me happy I haven't seen another site like it yet. As far as investing goes I'm pretty happy with $CRWD+0.6% which I started investing in at ~$145 then I've been buying up and moved the purchase to $160 which is still great. I'd like to include $BRK-B+1.3% as well, but I'm waiting to see if other stocks like $STLA-1.6% $AAPL+2.2% etc. fall.

What has pleased me the most is the shift I'm seeing in myself in terms of knowledge in the world of investing. I look forward to being able to say the same thing to myself in a year's time (hopefully).

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